Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Day 53

 Lots of checkers and Skip-Bo today.. I don't love the game of checkers. However, I was down 1 king to 4 and I managed to win!
 We we don't fall in line we get to reorganize kitchen drawers!
 And when you get really bored you just start putting your clothes on the dog. This is how I found Auggie when I came home from the store.
 We had 3 boxwoods that were struggling and we decided to replace them. This method went a lot better than I thought it would!
 Brandon or my dad give Grant his haircuts...however he requested me this time. I got to do a little before Daddy took over.

 He is a bit ofa wiggle worm.
He doesn't wiggle under Brandon's cutting.

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Elizabeth is 15!!

  2) HOW OLD ARE YOU? 15 3) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink 4) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Parker, Isabella & Julianna 5) WHAT DO YOU WAN...