Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 10

Today's agenda...piano lessons and yard work. First, we made it all day without being told once to be quiet by the boss man at home! Elizabeth had her virtual piano lesson at 10:00. After I need my virtual lesson on manners for the kids and their cousins. I now fully appreciated why Zoom stock has surged!

We headed outside after our lessons for some spring yard clean up. We only worked in the backyard, but the kids worked hard and there was no complaining. We raked some leftover fall leaves, trimmed some bushes, scrubbed some mossy pavers... Grant could play in the ravine all day with a hack saw cutting things down I let him. I don't know exactly which chore wore me out so much, but my body is feeling it this morning! The kids were so good I took them to the drive through for a cheeseburger. Mom's lunches are getting little boring. Brandon even requested a frozen pizza for the next lunch.

I guess an afternoon movie this week has become routine and Grant was already requesting that it was his turn to cuddle with me. We tried the movie Clue (1985 edition - the 2014 was unrated) and after 10 minutes Grant asked "when is the game going to start!". I think it was too much for them to follow and a few characters needed to tuck their chests back into their dresses so I turned it off. We then found the Ultimate Beast Master. The ultimate obstacle course challenge. Everyone was happy. I closed my eyes for ten minutes :)

Brandon worked pretty late so I put dinner in the oven and we took a long walk and our FIVE ingredient chicken and rice was ready upon our return. I made FOUR ingredient chicken and rice last time and we all decided that 5 was better than 4! After dinner we watched our church's mid-week lenten service. We learned about Saint Francis and Sister Clare. We were down to two eggs and Brandon was itching to get out of the house so he went to the store. They were closing right after he checked out so he made it just in time and yes sanitized all the way.

It was a pretty clear night and the kids requested a little hot tub time. The trees haven't leaved out yet so we have a good view of the stars. Brandon and Elizabeth even saw a shooting star the other night. I have always said if you look long enough you can see one every clear night, but he never has the patience to just stare at the sky. We have a little time on our hands...and he finally saw one! No shooting start this night but we did hear coyotes like I have never heard before. The first time we weren't sure...the second time we were sure. I would say they sounded very close. Brandon would say they were just close - not very close. At any rate, I sent the dog inside!

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Elizabeth is 15!!

  2) HOW OLD ARE YOU? 15 3) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink 4) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Parker, Isabella & Julianna 5) WHAT DO YOU WAN...