Wednesday, January 30, 2019


So because building a hill in your yard out of snow isn't all that much fun, I did take the kids to a golf course to go sledding! I went down twice and each time I was certain I was going to hit the one tree at the bottom and in efforts to slow the sled down ended up with a face full of snow. When they get lifts to haul me back up the hill I might consider more sledding, but until then I get the gold star just for taking them.

I might also mention that the 2nd time I took them was a school snow day and we went with our jammies on under our layers and tried to sneak into Dunkin'Donuts afterwards for a treat and we were totally busted by my friend Kelli in the drive thru line! (Yes we had to go inside, because "mom how can we pick out a donut from the drive thru line?!)

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Elizabeth is 15!!

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