Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How cold?

 How cold is it where you live? Not often are we colder than our Northern friends, but we like to break records! I stepped outside only to get more firewood and to entertain the children with frozen bubbles and hot evaporating water, because when it is -19 you don't really do much else.


So because building a hill in your yard out of snow isn't all that much fun, I did take the kids to a golf course to go sledding! I went down twice and each time I was certain I was going to hit the one tree at the bottom and in efforts to slow the sled down ended up with a face full of snow. When they get lifts to haul me back up the hill I might consider more sledding, but until then I get the gold star just for taking them.

I might also mention that the 2nd time I took them was a school snow day and we went with our jammies on under our layers and tried to sneak into Dunkin'Donuts afterwards for a treat and we were totally busted by my friend Kelli in the drive thru line! (Yes we had to go inside, because "mom how can we pick out a donut from the drive thru line?!)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

And it's still January...

We have spent a lot of time around the Catan board!
Big girls still loose teeth! 
Kind of how we are feeling about this winter

Sunday, January 13, 2019

So much snow!

When you have your first snow day in November it might begin to feel like the never ending winter. So far 2019 has timed our weekend with snow storms. So we have a big fire, maybe a special drink and when it's above 10 degrees send the kids out to play in the snow. And when you don't have a hill to slide down, you just make your own!

Elizabeth is 15!!

  2) HOW OLD ARE YOU? 15 3) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink 4) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Parker, Isabella & Julianna 5) WHAT DO YOU WAN...