Thursday, May 26, 2016

He broke my thumb!

During a game of sharks and minnows in the front yard Elizabeth got injured.  She came running in the house crying like she had lost a limb.  Apparently her brother tagged her a little too hard and hit her just right in the thumb.  We listened to her boo-hoo all night and she was still complaining of it the next morning.  She was having difficulty holding a pencil so I made her an appointment.  The appointment led us to x-rays which led us the diagnosis that it was just sprained - no fracture! Grant received explicit instructions on how we tag a person.  The thumb still bothers her from time to time. Honey, when you have arthritis in your thumb someday this is probably why! 

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Elizabeth is 15!!

  2) HOW OLD ARE YOU? 15 3) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink 4) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Parker, Isabella & Julianna 5) WHAT DO YOU WAN...