Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Grant Loses a Tooth!

Our little boy who has two adult teeth growing in on the bottom row (shark teeth) finally lost tooth!
It was without any drama, which when we mention this to Elizabeth she is sure we are making fun of her - well in a way she is right.  Here is the difference between Elizabeth losing tooth and Grant losing a tooth:
Elizabeth - tooth is loose for weeks, asks us multiple times to pull it then changes her mind, lots of crying, lots of drama.
Grant - one day he has a really loose tooth, few days later he asks for an apple, he comes inside saying he is done with the apple he has hurt his tooth.  I ask if he wants me to pull it.  He says sure.  I grab a tissue, give it a pull and it's out! Whole things takes five minutes and no one is crying!  Well actually Elizabeth cried when he lost his tooth! Anyway...the tooth fairy brought him a sparkly $2 bill and he was on cloud nine!

And yes I questioned the dentist about the so called shark teeth and he basically said start saving for orthodontics!  

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Elizabeth is 15!!

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