Monday, February 27, 2012


This is dedicated for all the little things that get said in our family. I look forward to the day when Grant has more to contribute than a "uuuhh, blaaaa, ahhhh!"

"it smalls poopy in here" (as we are shopping at Wal-mart)

"I made you a grape pie! Would you like to try some? It's belicious" (not a typo, she says delicious with a B)

"This is going to be a bad day!" (said at breakfast, what a way to start the day!)

"When is Aunt Amber's baby going to fall out of her shirt? How did it get there?"

"New rule: don't touch each other!" (said by mommy)

"I'm big onto the crafting!!" (Elizabeth begging me to let her help paint her name on a step stool)

"AHHH" (Grant)  "Don't say that, it's DEVASTATING!!" (Elizabeth)

"I'm done!!! I'm never playing with you again!"

"Did Amber's baby fall out yet?"

1 comment:

  1. Tell her Aunt Amber feels like her baby is going to fall out ;-)


Elizabeth is 15!!

  2) HOW OLD ARE YOU? 15 3) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink 4) WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Parker, Isabella & Julianna 5) WHAT DO YOU WAN...