Pound Puppy is my new nick name for G-money...oh sorry that is a nick name too! Brandon and I sometimes call Grant Ryan, G-money (long story on the history of that) P.P. is the latest, due to the amount of food our boy consumes! Grant is a very go with the flow baby, laid back and relaxed. One night last week, we took some food away from him and did we see some attitude! We have learned that you don't mess with Grant and his food. I am pretty much done with the baby food and trying to give him as much finger foods as possible. He still only has four teeth (although number five is very slowly emerging!) My policy is my kids eat what we eat. As long as it is soft and I can cut it up small enough, Grant gets to try it. Yesterday he had meatballs for lunch and we had enchiladas and black beans and rice for dinner. Yikes! That is quite a variety of food for an almost 13 month old! We have been trying to watch all of the dairy (milk, cheese and yogurt...all of his favorites) and not give him too much. However, I have been giving him a pro-biotic every other day and it seems to be keeping things running smoothly!
He is usually the first one eating and the last one eating! But to be honest, only half of it usually makes it into his mouth! He really hasn't turned anything away yet. He loves all of the fresh fruit (watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries). I just wish he was a bit more of a clean eater. He typically needs a bath after a meal. His favorite place to put his hands are of course in his hair!
As he continues to pack on the pounds I should mention that he was only in the 85 percentile for weight at his 12 month check-up. I know anyone who has held him recently knows that he is no light weight! He is just a solid boy! Thanks for helping me tone my upper arm "mommy muscles" buddy!
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