As life carries on you learn you a few lessons along the way. On this particular day I learned a few important lessons. Let me set the scene...It is a really hot day. Brandon is digging a trench. It was unseasonably hot, so my pre-planned meatloaf dinner was a made when the temperatures were cooler. But once a meal plan is made, I stick to it. Brandon ended up being so muddy that I served dinner outside on the deck. So now picture a hot sweaty, very hard working man, sitting down in the hot evening setting sun to a meatloaf. (first lesson - don't serve meatloaf when it is hot). The second lesson was learned quickly after the first. He tried to cut the meatloaf with his fork and the meat bounced off the plate. (second lesson - don't overcook the meatloaf). At this point he pushes his plate away in disgust (this is my story, so my version). There is some dialogue, Grant tries to intervene, Elizabeth starts crying, I start yelling "Sometimes mommies just need to yell!". Brandon excuses himself and returns to his manly work and I don't make meatloaf for over six months.
In case you are wondering the meatloaf was accompanied by mashed potatoes and green beans.