As the kids are getting older and their dialogue is getting longer it is getting to be a lot to write down and put in the memory jar. In lieu of the jar I am going to start typing this post throughout the year but will post it at the end of year and we will read it on New Year's Eve, per tradition! I have decided that sometimes Auggie and myself and on occasion Brandon can have some funnies of our own so the whole family is included this year!
Kenny Pops takes Elizabeth, Grant and Stella to the movies and to DQ for dinner. He brings them home hyped up on sugar and the following happens...Grant dresses up in the Mickey costume with his underwear hanging out, Briggs gets completely naked and Amber finds Grant licking a playground ball...ew
A commercial for an Ab Roller comes on TV and Elizabeth says "No I would not like lean flat abs!"
I excused myself from the dinner table because I wasn't feeling well and Grant says "Do you need to let some gas out?" (yeah, something like that buddy!)
Frozen meatballs and frozen cookie dough balls look remarkably similar in dim lighting.
Two days after having Auggie home with us she ran into our open glass shower door!
Three days after having Auggie home with us she sees her reflection in the kid's shower door and begins barking!
At 10 weeks old Auggie sees her reflection in the fireplace glass and begins barking (we got a smart one here!)
Me: "G what do you want for breakfast?"
Grant: "Cashews" .... and that's what he ate for breakfast
Feb 1
Grant: "Having a puppy is harder than I thought"
Feb 16, President's Day
Elizabeth "When is that clover holiday?"
Clover holiday, clover holiday? "Oh you mean St.Patrick's day?"
"Yes! Do we celebrate that?"
"Well kind of...we will wear green and eat green food all day"
"We have to eat broccoli and peas and green beans all day? Wait do we get the day off school?"
"No, you get to go to school on St.Patrick's Day"
"Oh, so it's not really one of our favorite holidays then huh?"
Feb 17
I am not sure what excitement happened at the dinner table (maybe Grant passed gas), but Elizabeth exclaims "Lord Jesus Christ!" Brandon and I turned to her and said "oh honey you can't say that, that is using the Lord's name the wrong way" and then we continued to ask her where she heard it. She got so upset because she had made it up herself and didn't have anyone to blame! We certainly weren't mad, just appalled at how it came out of her mouth!
Feb 20
Elizabeth looks at Brandon "Goodnight big fella!"
Feb 23
Grant: "I know how to spell Babar W O W" um no that's wow "M O W" um no that's mow. (I think the word he saw was actually NOW, as in like and now here's Babar!
Elizabeth cracked her head on the kitchen counter and a few days later referred to it as her "head injury" as if she under went some major trauma!
While eating dinner at Arby's with her she started telling me what she would name the artwork. There was a "Blue & White" and a "T-Shirt" and she also noticed an advertisement that had been split into three separate panels and commented on how artistic that was! I think we may a little artist on our hands!
Grant thought that peppermints had ants in them based upon his experience of spitting one out and then later seeing ants on it! We discovered this after offering him a cream cheese mint that we were making for Sara's shower. "C'mon buddy, just try it! You like mint things!" "They have ants remember mom!"
March 2
We had just finished breakfast for dinner (strawberries and waffles) and I comment "Not Grandma Briggs good, but never the less not bad." Elizabeth looks at me with a very serious look and firmly says "they aren't just good...they are brilliant!" (thank you Fancy Nancy for your fancy words)
March 10
Elizabeth "Hey Mom, thanks for not burning breakfast!" (in my defense I think we need a new toaster!)
March 12
Elizabeth: "That looks like crap!" What?? "That looks like crab!" Oh, ok, yes roasted red peppers can look like CRAB
March 20
Grant: "My jeep is faster than the bamaro" (that would be his power wheels jeep and the Camaro)
April 22
Soup, soup, makes me .... (grant helped fill in the blank of this fun rhyme that daddy started) POOP!!
April 27
I told Elizabeth it was time to come inside and she replied "but mom we are being so good we aren't even pickering!"
May 7
After Grant yelled my name in a very loud, obnoxious tone that only means one thing...he needs his bottom wiped, I kindly asked him to try to wipe by himself. His response "Are you really serious?" Yep pretty serious.
July 26
Me: Kids why do we go to church?
Grant: To get donuts
Nov 1
Grant and I were playing a board game and I said "I am hot on your tail!" Grant's translation is now "I'm hot tailed!"
Nov 3
Brandon gives the kids some salami (left over from fondue of course!) and Grant asks: "Is this made from real llama?"
Nov something... (just being honest here!)
Elizabeth "I have butter hands!" I think she meant butter fingers!
And a whole bunch of fart jokes that just aren't appropriate! December gets busy and I didn't write anything down! A lot like August, September and October! But look how strong January started out!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Where Dreams Come True
Shortly after losing Kenny Pops' we started discussing what Christmas would be like this year. It would be the first year without both Mimi and Pops and although the house has not sold yet, no one wanted to go to their house to celebrate together. We (we, meaning Amber and myself, the masterminds of all excellent ideas) decided that this year we should be crazy and just do Christmas totally different and escape it all and surprise the kids with a DISNEY CRUISE!!! When Amber was home in October we would put the kids to bed and then secretly start crafting the Disney t-shirts. We had some awesome ideas and designs and they were a labor of love! The surprise element was very hard for me - not because I can't keep a secret, but because I can't lie to my kids and I had a perpetual fear that they would ask me questions that I would not be able to answer honestly. A week before Christmas the questions started coming "when are we going to see Stella and Briggs?" Well "soon" was an easy honest answer, but trust me they got harder. So here is the story of our plan and how the events unfolded...
On December 27 at 3:30 AM (I told you we would have our turn) we woke the kids up and announced that we were going on an adventure! The suitcases were already in the car, all they had to do was change clothes. We started driving to the airport and the questions starting coming! We arrived on time and got checked in for our direct flight to Houston. The boat was going out of the Galveston Port on the 28th, about an hour ride from Houston. We were instructed to get our seat assignments from the gate agent, which we didn't think anything of because that often happens when we travel with the kids and they have to rearrange a few things to make sure the kids have seats next to us. The gate agent told us to wait and they would call us. They make an announcement looking for a volunteer to take another flight and offer $300. They begin boarding and I have never seen a gate empty so fast in my life. Elizabeth looks at me and says "mommy we don't have seats yet" I assure her it is fine and about that time they call Brandon to the desk. From a far I am sensing that their conversation is getting a little heated and I am starting to worry just a bit. He returns to announce that the flight is oversold and they don't have 4 seats on the plane and will not issue us seat assignments. I distinctly remember looking at Brandon and saying "That is absurd, we have tickets, we have seats on the plane" His look is not so confident, so I charge up to the desk to have my own little talk with the gate agent. I start with the nice approach (let's find a solution together) luck...I cry and share our sob story (Amber refers to this as pulling the dead parent card) luck...well now I'm just plain mad - how do you split up a family of four who is trying to surprise their kids with a Disney cruise?! I insist that our luggage be pulled off the plane and they find us a flight where all 4 of us can be together. After a few minutes of searching for a flight and oh by the way we are now dealing with the manager it becomes very obvious that rebooking 4 tickets is going to be next impossible on Sunday December 27. Our best chance is for me to fly with the kids now and let Brandon find a later flight - it will be easier to find just one ticket. I now have to insist that our luggage be put back on the plane because he will most likely be flying standby and we can't lose our luggage! So we kiss Daddy goodbye and I get on the plane with the kids, our 3 carry-ons and 3 checked bags. See you in Texas!
We take off and I start to have a little anxiety about flying to a new place by myself with the kids. At this point I realize that he has all of the cash (I maybe have $15) and he has no idea what hotel to go to. Lesson learned...make sure everyone has the travel plan and money. We land in Houston, it takes forever to find the United baggage claim (very confusing!), but we find it and all of our bags are there, hooray! I get us a taxi and we get to the hotel. I approach the hotel front desk and tell them they could be the light of my day if they have our room ready. Of course they will be more than happy to this will be more difficult because you have adjoining rooms booked...but oh yes we can make this happen...finally we have a room! I check with Brandon and he is on his way to Chicago and definitely has a ticket for the 7pm flight and is on standby for two others. Oh great, this is all going to work out!
I put on my brave face and decide that we should go explore the city since Amber's family won't be in for another few hours. There is park within walking distance. Between the hotel provided map and my phone, we walk to the park and even find a cafe to have lunch. I answer a few questions about the people sleeping on park benches and we are all good. The skies were a little over cast and I was worried about rain so we head back to the hotel. At this point I am basically feeling like I have conquered the world. Then Amber texts me to say their flight has been diverted to Austin. Diverted? I get distracted with the kids for a bit and then start thinking why is their flight diverted? So I look at my weather app and Houston is under a tornado watch. Awesome, we are on the 10th floor in a city I don't know and my family is all supposed to be here with me and they are not and I need chocolate!! I take the kids to the shop downstairs to get a treat, they are closed. I tell them to sit in the lobby and I calmly (truly, very calmly) go over to the gentleman who checked us in and say "I understand we are under a tornado watch, I am from the midwest and tornadoes are not new to me, but I did live through an F4 two years ago so I need to know the plan. Does this hotel have a basement?" The manager overhears and steps over to assure me that yes there is a basement and should the need arise to take cover security will come get us and escort us to the basement. Perfect, just needed to know there was a plan.
Ok it's now 6pm. Campbell's are still stuck on the tarmac in Austin and guess what, so is Brandon! He got on the first standby flight but was also diverted to Austin. We are staring to get hungry again, so I call for a pizza to be delivered. The original plan was that we would all be together by 2pm and Mickey was going to call them at 6 to let them know that he would be seeing them 'real soon!'. We are onto plan D by this stage of the game. The Houston airport finally reopens and because the Campbell's pilot was about to time out their plane got off pretty quick. They arrive at the hotel about 9pm. We have a precious video of them arriving and the kids seeing each other.
The guy who was sitting next to Brandon on his flight is a pilot and because their current pilot did time out he ends up flying them to Houston. They had been on the tarmac so long that they had to give them a gate to allow passengers to get off and get food. Brandon texts me about 11pm and says he is on his way. I tell him there is a key at the desk, I'm going to sleep.
I wake up at 2am and realize that Brandon still isn't in the room. I call him and he says he is in the taxi on his way to the hotel. The one piece of luggage that he had, a carry-on, they forced him to plane-side check because he was last one on the plane there wasn't any space in the overheads left. When they pulled into the gate at Austin the grounds crew unloaded the entire plane's luggage. Brandon had been at the airport for hours trying to find his suitcase. By the time he arrived at the hotel I was in the bathroom wearing the hotel bath robe (because my pj's were in the lost luggage) and I'm borderline hyperventilating. I've held it together all day and of course I am glad that all 8 of us are finally together but now they lost our suitcase?! It was all just too much for me. We then begin the task of figuring out what was in the lost suitcase. Well good news for Brandon, he didn't have anything in there! Not so good new for the rest of us. Elizabeth and I had no pj's, underwear, or socks, the kids had no crocs and flip-flops, the Disney shirts were in there, costumes for pirate night, all of my shorts and skirts, most of EB's we packed a lot of stuff in that little carry on suitcase!
I wish I could add more pictures but our household is currently experiencing some technical difficulties that have accompanied our upgrade to El Capitan! My next goal is to put together a video of our trip, but for now this is the best I can do! It was a wonderful, and the kids want to know when we can do it again!
On December 27 at 3:30 AM (I told you we would have our turn) we woke the kids up and announced that we were going on an adventure! The suitcases were already in the car, all they had to do was change clothes. We started driving to the airport and the questions starting coming! We arrived on time and got checked in for our direct flight to Houston. The boat was going out of the Galveston Port on the 28th, about an hour ride from Houston. We were instructed to get our seat assignments from the gate agent, which we didn't think anything of because that often happens when we travel with the kids and they have to rearrange a few things to make sure the kids have seats next to us. The gate agent told us to wait and they would call us. They make an announcement looking for a volunteer to take another flight and offer $300. They begin boarding and I have never seen a gate empty so fast in my life. Elizabeth looks at me and says "mommy we don't have seats yet" I assure her it is fine and about that time they call Brandon to the desk. From a far I am sensing that their conversation is getting a little heated and I am starting to worry just a bit. He returns to announce that the flight is oversold and they don't have 4 seats on the plane and will not issue us seat assignments. I distinctly remember looking at Brandon and saying "That is absurd, we have tickets, we have seats on the plane" His look is not so confident, so I charge up to the desk to have my own little talk with the gate agent. I start with the nice approach (let's find a solution together) luck...I cry and share our sob story (Amber refers to this as pulling the dead parent card) luck...well now I'm just plain mad - how do you split up a family of four who is trying to surprise their kids with a Disney cruise?! I insist that our luggage be pulled off the plane and they find us a flight where all 4 of us can be together. After a few minutes of searching for a flight and oh by the way we are now dealing with the manager it becomes very obvious that rebooking 4 tickets is going to be next impossible on Sunday December 27. Our best chance is for me to fly with the kids now and let Brandon find a later flight - it will be easier to find just one ticket. I now have to insist that our luggage be put back on the plane because he will most likely be flying standby and we can't lose our luggage! So we kiss Daddy goodbye and I get on the plane with the kids, our 3 carry-ons and 3 checked bags. See you in Texas!
We take off and I start to have a little anxiety about flying to a new place by myself with the kids. At this point I realize that he has all of the cash (I maybe have $15) and he has no idea what hotel to go to. Lesson learned...make sure everyone has the travel plan and money. We land in Houston, it takes forever to find the United baggage claim (very confusing!), but we find it and all of our bags are there, hooray! I get us a taxi and we get to the hotel. I approach the hotel front desk and tell them they could be the light of my day if they have our room ready. Of course they will be more than happy to this will be more difficult because you have adjoining rooms booked...but oh yes we can make this happen...finally we have a room! I check with Brandon and he is on his way to Chicago and definitely has a ticket for the 7pm flight and is on standby for two others. Oh great, this is all going to work out!
I put on my brave face and decide that we should go explore the city since Amber's family won't be in for another few hours. There is park within walking distance. Between the hotel provided map and my phone, we walk to the park and even find a cafe to have lunch. I answer a few questions about the people sleeping on park benches and we are all good. The skies were a little over cast and I was worried about rain so we head back to the hotel. At this point I am basically feeling like I have conquered the world. Then Amber texts me to say their flight has been diverted to Austin. Diverted? I get distracted with the kids for a bit and then start thinking why is their flight diverted? So I look at my weather app and Houston is under a tornado watch. Awesome, we are on the 10th floor in a city I don't know and my family is all supposed to be here with me and they are not and I need chocolate!! I take the kids to the shop downstairs to get a treat, they are closed. I tell them to sit in the lobby and I calmly (truly, very calmly) go over to the gentleman who checked us in and say "I understand we are under a tornado watch, I am from the midwest and tornadoes are not new to me, but I did live through an F4 two years ago so I need to know the plan. Does this hotel have a basement?" The manager overhears and steps over to assure me that yes there is a basement and should the need arise to take cover security will come get us and escort us to the basement. Perfect, just needed to know there was a plan.
Pretty cool park- spinning tops after an artist |
Look Mom even found us food! |
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We are doing good- Mom is taking on Houston! |
Weather is not so great... |
I am certain room service smoothies taste better than any other! |
I wake up at 2am and realize that Brandon still isn't in the room. I call him and he says he is in the taxi on his way to the hotel. The one piece of luggage that he had, a carry-on, they forced him to plane-side check because he was last one on the plane there wasn't any space in the overheads left. When they pulled into the gate at Austin the grounds crew unloaded the entire plane's luggage. Brandon had been at the airport for hours trying to find his suitcase. By the time he arrived at the hotel I was in the bathroom wearing the hotel bath robe (because my pj's were in the lost luggage) and I'm borderline hyperventilating. I've held it together all day and of course I am glad that all 8 of us are finally together but now they lost our suitcase?! It was all just too much for me. We then begin the task of figuring out what was in the lost suitcase. Well good news for Brandon, he didn't have anything in there! Not so good new for the rest of us. Elizabeth and I had no pj's, underwear, or socks, the kids had no crocs and flip-flops, the Disney shirts were in there, costumes for pirate night, all of my shorts and skirts, most of EB's we packed a lot of stuff in that little carry on suitcase!
Our advice would be to make sure you keep track of any little piece of paper the airline may give you. I usually use them as a bookmark or a place to put my gum, but thank goodness Brandon knew where it was because it was the only thing to help find the suitcase.
So our perfect trip didn't start out so perfect, but we were determined to rebound! Amber and I ubered ourselves to Target the next morning, dropped $400 faster than I've done before (she is a bad influence on me!) and tried to replace the items that we could. I bought the world's worst granny panties (by accident!) and was made fun of the whole entire trip. But we had pj's underwear, shoes and some new clothes to get us through. Secretly, I was still holding out hope that our suitcase would magically arrive at the port and be waiting for us...I tend to set myself up for disappointment.
We arrive back at the hotel just in time for Mickey's phone call. We gather the kids on the bed and Amber puts her phone on speaker and Brandon starts recording this magical moment. We are relying on this phone call to announce to the kids that we are going on a cruise. EPIC FAIL! The phone call was horrible, the kids did not understand it all and at the end Mickey says "See you real soon pal!" and Stella says "Mickey is coming here!" Briggs says "Can I have Grant's iPad back?" and our kids are just confused. We spell it out for them that we are going on a Disney cruise and there is now some level of excitement. Grant and Briggs put on their matching Disney shirts and Stella and Elizabeth put on their brand new Arielle shirts that we had just ripped the Target tags off of! I bought myself a Mickey shirt too - thanks United! And we headed down to the lobby to catch the SuperShuttle!! Let the vacation begin!
Goofy photobombed the kids - we had only been on the boat 10 minutes! |
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They cut the kids food!! |
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Minnie sighting! |
Pillowcases for the characters to sign - luckily Auntie Amber was in charge of those! |
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The girls took a drawing class |
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Family 3D crafts (we would not repeat this particular activity!) |
Mickey Bars! |
Lots of Mickey Bars - the chocolate on them is so good! |
We made a stop at Key West - we mainly just got off the boat to look for pirate shirts! |
Paintings from the kids club |
Grant competed in the Mickey 500. You had to use veggies to build your car. |
I wish I could add more pictures but our household is currently experiencing some technical difficulties that have accompanied our upgrade to El Capitan! My next goal is to put together a video of our trip, but for now this is the best I can do! It was a wonderful, and the kids want to know when we can do it again!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Christmas 2015
We had to make sure we had Christmas cookies for Santa so we rolled out sugar cookies and the kids decorated. Grant was afraid we would run out of sprinkles. His concern was legit considering the amount of sprinkles he used per cookie!
Our elf, Domino this year in a take off pose!
We spent Christmas Eve with our good friends the Earle's and forgot to take a picture! We headed to Christmas Eve service at our church with the Earle's and my family. It was a family friendly service which meant no open flames. It wasn't quite the same without the thrill of wondering if your child would be the one who could possibly burn the church down. The kids got battery operated candles during the children's sermon and they were happy with that. I truly missed the real candles and the dark church, but the timing of the service was great. Because after the service we bid the Earle's goodbye and headed to my parent's for dinner.
Before departing for the evening the kids put the reindeer food out in the yard (oatmeal with glitter!) |
Cousin love |
The grandkids in their new xmas p's - Megan was really excited! It is her first xmas after all! |
Auggie opening her gifts |
Stockings! |
Hey Dad - that's Auggie's new scarf! |
Gifts that kids made for us |
Snow globe |
Snorkel gear...just what every kid who lives in Illinois needs! (but just wait!) |
Oh a moment captured! We took the kids shopping for each other. Grant got EB a Puppy Surprise and she got him Transformers. |
Family gift - an ice cream maker! (good idea daddy!) |
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She may not love her xmas sweater, but she does like to wear scarves/bandanas! |
Well we finished opening gifts at 5:30 - thank goodness Mommy got a new coffee mug. We opened up one of the new games and had a little breakfast (no fancy xmas breakfast). At 7:00 I announced that I loved them very much but if I didn't catch a few hours more sleep I would surely get sick and no one wants Mommy to be sick - "so be good children and play with your new toys, again I love you very much!" I did really feel guilty about going back to bed but I knew what our schedule was like for the next few days and I can't run on two hours sleep. At 10:00 we were renewed with holiday cheer and we headed to Ima and Pops and we started Christmas with mimosas.
Two minutes into the 10 minute car ride Grant feel asleep! No kidding!
Santa bags courtesy of Ima's sewing and Pops' embroidery |
Isn't this an awesome picture?! |
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Pops always has room for a dog on his lap! |
It was a wonderful Christmas - Megan was the only one who napped (although many were jealous!). We all slept well that night!
All three asleep on the way home! |
The next day we loaded up at 8:30. We dropped Auggie at daycare (yes doggy daycare) at 9:00 and headed to the Briggs family Christmas. We got there early because we knew we had to leave early. It was such a fun day. We got to see almost all of our cousins and the kids all had fun playing together. I was very sad to have to leave early, plus we had to tell David, Sara and Megan goodbye too :(
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Somebody loves having a baby cousin! |
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The kids hate telling Uncle David good-bye - especially Grant. |
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Megan really just wanted to touch EB's hair! Oh she is so cute - we are going to miss them! |
Thank you for smiling Pauli kids - good job everyone else! |
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Auntie Alison has to get her baby cuddles! |
It was time to head back home because we still had more Christmas fun ahead!! I can't believe I don't have one single picture from xmas with Aunt Sandy. I have to do a better job of taking pictures! Sandy, Greg, Matt & Judy came over to celebrate with us before they headed north. We had appetizers and Brandon made crab legs - it was the perfect post xmas feast. Aunt Sandy (and all her family!) is so special to us - I wish we could have spent more time with them too! There just wasn't enough time to go around this year, but the time that we did have was great and we made some awesome memories. And we didn't have as much time as usually because the next day was our turn to wake the kids up early....
Happy Birthday Jesus!
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Elizabeth is 15!!
Our special daughter who was born on the luckiest day in the Chinese calendar got to celebrate her golden birthday with her first sleepover....
We have a First Grader! They get to choose their breakfast...Pop-Tarts, every time Pop-Tarts. I would make these kids anything and they ...
To say we were excited when my water broke a year ago today would be an understatement! I was down right silly! We got to the hospital at ...